The lack of a breeze did not discourage sailors at Silver Gate Yacht Club from having fun. Races for the V32 remote controlled boats were delayed an hour while waiting for some wind. SGYC was represented with 9 boats and 4 boats came down the mountain from Lake Gregory YC including S/C Carol Sharp, her husband Dennis, S/C of LGYC and SCYA S/C Rick Dinon, and S/C Art Dixon.
While the conditions were less than ideal for sailing those in attendance had fun and are looking forward to next year. Everyone was treated to a fantastic sunset.
Be sure to check out all the photos in the Photo Section
SGYC VC Rich Chambers and Jo Ann Sedgwick with 1st Place winner Dennis Sharp of Lake Gregory Yacht Club. The name of his boat is “Sharp
2nd Place winner Joe Plymesser of SGYC. Boat name is “Blue Peter
3rd Place Dave Endert, Sr. Dave is also SGYC’s “V-32 Dude”. He bought his V32 “War Child” in 2007 and this started the V32 Fleet at SGYC and SGYC’s involvement in the Midwinter Regatta
4th place winner Mike Scarpati. He recently completed building his V32 “Atsa Mini