Six venues have completed their SCYA MidWinter regattas. The weather did not cooperate fully but the information we have received indicate that sailors were ready to get on the water and have some fun. We are posting the results as the information is made available by the individual host venues. Results are posted under the Regatta information page of this website.
The sailors at the San Diego Yacht Club had a great turnout of 27 boats. Newport Harbor Yacht Club while under going a major facilities remodel had a 32% increase in entries with a total of 78 boats. Dana West also had a good turnout in the Non Spinnaker PHRF Class with 10 boats. DRYC combined their SCYYRA Carrie series with the SCYA MidWinter regatta drawing 69 boats for the 2 day event. CYC had a great showing with 27 boats competing in 3 classes. CorYC had a record 14 J70 boats and a class maximum of 8 challenged sailors racing the Martin 16 boats.
We thank all the host venues, volunteers, sponsors and sailors for coming out this past weekend. We encourage everyone to come out on the 18th and 19th and have some more fun.