To: Yacht Club Race Chairs & Committees and Sailors of the SCYA Midwinters 2019
Southern California Yachting Association 90th Midwinters Regatta is now complete. Many host clubs faced some challenges as many of our host clubs and the sailors faced severe headwinds as mother nature unleashed a series of storms on the race weekends. Even with these challenges 24 clubs and over 450 sailors participated in the event.
We thank you and your club members for hosting this successful event. It is due to people like you that we have been able to run this event for 90 years. We urge you to tell us how we can make the event even better next year. The regatta chaired by Kathy St Amant will be on the weekends of February, the 9 &10th and 16 &17th .
Thank you again for making this event a success.
Roger J Salway and Helen Hawkins
SCYA Co-Race Chairs of the Midwinters 2019